Thursday, March 10, 2016

California Supreme Court Grants Review in P v.Buycks, P v. Gonzales, and Harris v. Superior Court

The California Supreme Court granted review in three cases upon which I recently blogged.  

P v. Buycks will be reviewed on the issue of whether a felony reduced to a misdemeanor pursuant to PC 1170.18 still qualifies as a felony conviction for purposes of a crime-bail-crime enhancement.  The case can be followed here.  

Harris v. Superior Court will be reviewed to decide whether the State may, upon a successful PC 1170.18 petition by a defendant for a conviction that was part of a plea bargain, reinstate the charges dismissed as part of the plea bargain (aka the "benefit of the bargain" argument).  Harris can be followed here.  

P v. Gonzales will be reviewed to decide whether entering a check cashing store with the intent to commit theft by false pretenses meets the definition of PC 459.5.  Follow the case here.  

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